What about making my house safe?

Testimonies from
Monica and Nicole

This article contains testimonies of Monica and Nicole’s testimonies.

Following moments of intimacy with the Holy Spirit, they were able to progress in their spiritual journey, after having been made aware of key elements for their lives as believers.

They are sharing them with you here.


A. Monica’s testimony

What about making my house safe?

The Lord often speaks to me through images. 

A house full of doors

One day, as I was praying, I saw a house with many doors.

Some led outside, while others gave access to rooms inside the house.

I realised that this house represented me; that I had invited Jesus into the house of my heart the day I said ‘yes’ to him, and that he had come to take up residence in me through the Holy Spirit.

What about making my house safe?

Oh yes! Now, as an owner, I’m responsible for closing certain doors to ensure my safety.

Specifically, the Lord gives me the light so that I can immediately close off access to things that can harm me, weaken me, and put me in danger because of my past or my natural predispositions. In other words, it is imperative that I no longer leave any entrance doors unguarded.

Light and cleansing

What’s more, the Holy Spirit has begun to work in several chambers of my being, bringing his light and cleansing certain spaces to fill them with his presence, his peace, his love and joy. The Holy Spirit helps me to transform my interior into a safe place. I’ve already done some cleansing, some of it painful, but I realise that the work isn’t complete yet.

The Holy Spirit has just highlighted the need to forgive a friend. In fact, a lack of forgiveness is an evil that eats away at me from the inside (Inspirational Breaks 5). What about making my house safe?

Once again, the Holy Spirit is helping me to make my home healthier and safer.


What’s more, I’ve realised that I’ve put a ‘PRIVATE’ sign on some of my inner doors so that I can keep full control and management of them. As Jesus is a true gentleman, he respects the boundaries I’ve set for him. What about making my house safe?

Oh! Yes! Today I feel a strong desire to remove the boundary, because I’ve seen that by keeping him out, I’ve given his enemy access to my heart! Giving Jesus access to these private spaces allows me to clean up my inner being.

My prayer

Then I exclaim:

Lord Jesus,

come and take possession

of this territory,

I give it over to you.

I want to make my house safe.

Dwell in me!

Yes, Lord !



B. Nicole’s Testimony

What about making my house safe?


While I was praying, I received the image of a house representing the heart of each person.

A tidy house?


My house may be neat and pretty on the outside, but have problems on the inside, such as hidden damp causing condensation on the windows, wallpaper peeling off, stains and rings appearing on the walls…

Water damage

In other words, water can cause damage to your home, both visible and hidden.

As a homeowner, I can deny the existence of this unwanted water, but my denial won’t change anything; if I do nothing, the situation will get worse, and my home will be in an increasingly dangerous state. What about making my house safe?

It’s time to do something!

But what does this water damage represent?


In fact, these problems are an allegory and represent negative aspects of my character, the expression of excessive reactions and inappropriate behaviour, elements of my upbringing and my culture which in no way correspond to what the Lord expects of one of his daughters.

These negative manifestations can also stem from past wounds that destroy me from within and therefore still impact me today.

Free to react…
What about making my house safe?

In fact, I’m not responsible for ‘construction defects’, but I am responsible for what I do with them.

A first step

In reality, thanks to my dysfunctions, I’m going to identify one problem after another. That’s how I’ll be able to recognise my condition:

I’m going to look at my wounds and give God permission to heal me and restore me. In other words, as soon as I identify a problem, I’m going to bring it to my Lord and Saviour, inviting him to heal me. He may suggest that I approach competent people to accompany me on this path of healing.

 One restoration after another

In fact, the more I engage in this restoration of my inner soul, the more beautiful the inside of my house becomes. My house becomes safe.

As a result, I’m no longer in survival mode. I’m living intensely in the present moment. It’s so good to be alive!

Consequently, taking care of my person has consequences for me, of course, but also for my relationship with my spouse, my family, my circle of friends, my professional life and my church.

In this way, the Lord can use me to serve him in better and better ways, because I’m increasingly able to align myself with him: his plans for my life are being fulfilled, and I’m leading an exciting Christian life!


“Keep thy heart with all diligence,

for out of it are the outflowings of life.”

(Proverbs 4:23)


What if you made your house a safe place?



Illustrations through testimonies 


Nicole’s testimonies

Prayers that trigger a change in character
Connecting better with God

Françoise’s testimony

Free from my fears

Martin’s testimony

Cross the valley of death and experience healing

Nay’s testimony

I affirm my new-found identity



Illustrations through meditations (click):
A time to wash?
Taking care of our emotions


God is on your side!

Have a nice day!