An invitation through an allegory

Imagine a man who receives an invitation card on which it is written: “You are invited to dine in a prestigious restaurant, at a specific place, with Jesus of Nazareth, this evening, at 8 p.m”. The man thinks his collegues are pulling a friendly prank on him.

Is it a joke?

Still, it spikes his curiosity; he goes to the indicated address, convinced that he will see familiar faces there. Welcomed by the butler, he stammers: “I am expected”. He is then led to a beautifully laid table, towards a man in his thirties, dressed according to the dress code of our time who welcomes him warmly by introducing himself: “Nice to meet you, (I’m) Jesus!

Our man shakes his hand, stating his name; Jesus answers him with a smile: “I know”. Taken aback, the man looks around for his colleagues… nobody! Jesus begins to talk to him and talk about things about his life, even those he had tried to hide. A dialogue takes place…

God invites you to share a meal with Him

Today, Jesus wants to spend time talking with you. So He’s inviting you to come dine with Him! The table is set and there are excellent dishes to taste! That’s the Gospel!

Undoubtedly we often expect encouragement, compliments or responses from those around us. God wants to speak with us and provide for us, whether it is to guide us, to encourage us, whether we need recognition or some kind of inner healing. God is a wealthy King. Let us rejoice in advance, thank Him that all the answers to our needs are on the way; that’s faith. To have the assurance of things we hope for, the conviction of things we do not yet see.

Psalm 23

In Psalm 23 it is said that God sets a table in front of our opponents: in the midst of a storm, while we are struggling to survive whatever is happening to us (job loss, illness, relationship problems, sorrow, etc.), God says, “Stop! I’ve set a table; stop and know that I am God”. Thus His table has a double function: to feed us and to serve as a shield. A moment spent in the company of Jesus supplies us and also serves as our protection. In His presence we are honored and valued, and we also find rest.

How do you respond to His invitation?

Back in his day, Jesus spoke using a parable where He referred to a king who had prepared a feast for his son’s wedding and said that the guests had declined the invitation providing bogus excuses. Even today it is possible not to realize the point in responding to His invitation: it is possible to live one’s life without God.

God loves every human being and wants everyone to taste His meal. Based on what Jesus has accomplished, everything is ready and within reach. That’s the Gospel. Do we make excuses to avoid spending time with God?

He invites you into His presence. Everything good and perfect for you comes from God. Jesus is calling you by saying, 

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and they with me” (Rev. 3:20).

So accept His invitation…

So accept His invitation and come and taste how good God is! In fact, by His Holy Spirit, He even comes to dwell in those who accept His invitation.


‘O Jesus, thank you for your invitation. I hear Your voice, I open the door and I invite You to come and live in my house, in my heart. I want to know you. You grant me your presence through the Holy Spirit who comes to dwell in my spirit. I thank you for this. Amen!’

God is on your side! Have a nice day!