

through images and photos



 4. Dead Sea?


In French, Dead Sea has the same pronunciation as Dead Mother.
Therefore this Inspirational Break is based on this pun.


A dead sea? a dead mother?
Lord Jesus,


Like the Dead Sea,
I receive so much provision!


I do not want to remain
Like the Dead Sea,
Which is well supplied,
But lets nothing
overflow from it and
Dries up more and more.


This very day
I’d like to convey
A little of you to someone,
Even to several people,
Dear Lord…
I want to be
A generous mother,
Someone who gives
To others
What she receives.


Here is a verse from the Bible:

The Lord says:

I am your Lord…
Open wide your mouth, and I will fill it

Ps. 81:10

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Have a nice day!

Le Tout-Puissant n'agit pas seul