Le Tout-Puissant n'agit pas seul

by Edwina and Nay | I assert my new found identity

I assert my new found identity

Nayllely ‘s testimony

1. An impactful absence

I didn’t know my father very well, because he left us when I was 3 years old. His absence created a feeling of rejection and insecurity in me. I felt like I was never good enough for him and growing up, I struggled to assert my identity.


His absence has impacted my psychological growth, my life and my relationships.

I met the Lord and needed healing

After I met the Lord, I felt an inner calm and these feelings gradually faded away.

I am able to assert myself

Now, I am able to assert myself, while still respecting others of course. God continues to heal me as I develop my relationship with Him.


2. Reconciliation

I was mainly brought up by my grandmother, and my mum was a stranger to me for a long time. Our relationship was distant. Feeling little love from her, I looked for it elsewhere. Meeting God in Jesus-Christ changed my heart. His love flooded me. I felt love for my mum and our relationship was gradually restored.    NAY


Le Tout-Puissant n'agit pas seul