Amazing grace 1


Amazing grace! (1)

Testimony 1 by Arianne
A few days left before I undergo
open heart operation

 Of course I have moments when I am apprehensive, but I am not anxious.

A special relationship
with Jesus

I have a very special relationship with my Lord Jesus… dare I say an extraordinary complicity?

A relationship of trust

The amount of trust and peace that I share with those who are dearest to me has its limits, humanity obliges. And even though these relationships are, for the most part, going very well, they do not equal the trust based relationship that I have with my Lord.

From that relationship flows a kind of peace comparable to what the apostle Paul spoke about in his epistle to the Ephesians, in chapter 4: Peace that surpasses all human intelligence (vv. 6 and 7).

Peace, despite health problems 

In the year 2000, I suffered a massive pulmonary embolism that only few people survive. It was on that day that I experienced that peace, the one that surpasses all human intelligence! I was talking with Jesus, I was worshiping him and I tasted an indescribable peace.

For a few moments, I left my suffering body and experienced the peace of Heaven. I have no words to describe it! God was graceful enough to allow me to experience such a moment and to remember it until the day He decides to call me to Him permanently.

At the time, as my operation was fast approaching, I literally immerse myself in this peace, the memory of which is still very present and I let every moment soak in it.

I am at peace, I have peace

Jesus said:

I am leaving you with a gift: peace of mind and heart. I give you my peace. I do not give it to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled or be frightened. (John 14:27)

Amazing grace!

May the grace of God reach you! May the presence and peace of God embrace you and may you soak in it! Arianne

Musique : little spring rain (P. Béchir)